North American-Made Energy Security Act

Floor Speech


Mr. FLORES. Madam Chair, I rise today in strong support of H.R. 1938, the North American-Made Energy Security Act.

This bipartisan legislation would increase access to more energy supplies by expediting the Presidential permit for the Keystone XL pipeline extension.

We are all aware that every additional barrel that can be produced within North America is one fewer barrel that we need from the Middle East. This pipeline extension will help bring total capacity up to more than 1.2 million barrels per day into our markets. Also, as we look for opportunities to address our struggling economic recovery, this project will create an estimated 100,000 American jobs and help grow our economy.

Canada's vast oil resources have also attracted interest from other energy-hungry nations. If we do not tap this valuable resource, the Chinese or other countries will. The Obama administration has already delayed the decision on this project for almost 3 years and it is time that they act and make a decision.

The choice is clear. By passing this bill, we will increase our energy security with a more stable supply of efficient and affordable energy from our best international friend and trading partner, and we will lessen our dependence on Middle Eastern oil.

I urge my colleagues to support this critical legislation.

